UAE Eid Al Fitr 2023

21 - 23 Apr 2023

Eid Al Fitr 2023

Eid Al Fitr is the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal. It marks the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting and prayer. Many Muslims attend communal prayers, listen to a khutba, and give zakat Al Fitr during Eid Al Fitr.

Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha are the two main annual Islamic celebrations yearly.

Eid Al Fitr translates as the ‘festival of breaking the fast’ and happens immediately after Ramadan, with festivity, day-time feasts, and family gatherings.

Customarily, family and friends dress up in new Eid clothes and visit each other’s houses bearing gifts.

According to Calendarz, Eid Al Fitr 2023 is on the 21st Apr 2023.
